- Population (estimate, min)
- 420
- Country
- Guyana
- Description
Bethany Village is a mission located on the Araburia River, a tributary three miles up the Supenaam River in Region #2, Essequibo in Guyana.
- Further reading (Wikipedia or other)
- Wikipedia
- Date added
- Feb 20, 2019
- Population (estimate, min)
- 30000
- Country
- Colombia
- Image
- Description
The Arhuaco are an indigenous people of Colombia. They are Chibchan-speaking people and descendants of the Tairona culture, concentrated in northern Colombia in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Wikipedia
- Date added
- Nov 6, 2018
Juruna (Yudjá)
- Population (estimate, min)
- 340
- Country
- Brasil
- Image
- Description
The Yudjá are an Indigenous people of Brazil, who live in the states of Mato Grosso and Pará. They live in two villages in the Xingu Indigenous Park, located near the mouth of the Maritsauá-Mitau River. They fish and raise crops, such as manioc. Wikipedia
- Date added
- Nov 6, 2018
- Population (estimate, min)
- 600
- Country
- Brasil
- Image
- Description
The Aimoré (Aymore, Aimboré) are one of several South American peoples of eastern Brazil called Botocudo in Portuguese (from botoque, a plug), in allusion to the wooden disks or tembetás worn in their lips and ears. Some called themselves Nac-nanuk or Nac-poruk, meaning "sons of the soil". The last Aimoré group to retain their language are the Krenak. Wikipedia
- Date added
- Nov 6, 2018
- Population (estimate, min)
- 13000
- Country
- Brasil
- Image
- Description
The Munduruku, also known as Mundurucu or Wuy Jugu, are an indigenous people of Brazil living in the Amazon River basin. Some Mundurucu communities are part of the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land. They had an estimated population in 2014 of 13,755 Wikipedia
- Date added
- Nov 6, 2018
- Population (estimate, min)
- 1600
- Country
- Brasil
- French Guyana
- Image
- Description
The Wayampi or Wayãpi are an indigenous people located in the south-eastern border area of French Guiana at the confluence of Camopi and Oyapock rivers, and the basins of the Amapari and Carapanatuba Rivers in the central part of the states of Amapá and Pará in Brazil. The Wayampi number approximated 1,615 individuals scattered in eleven villages. Approximately 710 live in French Guiana in three villages, and 905 live in eight villages in Brazil.Wikipedia
- Date added
- Nov 6, 2018
Nasa / Paez
- Population (estimate, min)
- 186000
- Country
- Colombia
- Image
- Description
The Páez people, also known as the Nasa, are a Native American people who live in the southwestern highlands of Colombia, especially in the Cauca Department, but also the Caquetá Department lowlands and Tierradentro Wikipedia
- Date added
- Nov 6, 2018
7 shown of 7 entities