1. Purpose
These guidelines have been developed to help ensure that, in all research sponsored and
supported by the Tl'azt'en Chief and Council, appropriate respect is given to culture,
language, knowledge and values of the Tl'azt'enne, and to the standards used by
Tl'azt'enne to legitimate knowledge. These guidelines represent the standard of "best
practice" adopted by the Tl'azt'en Chief and Council.
2. Principles
A. As Tl'azt'enne we have distinctive perspectives and understandings, deriving from our
culture and history and, embodied in Tl'azt'en language. Research that has Tl'azt'en
experience as it's subject matter must reflect these perspectives and understandings.
B. In the past, research concerning Aboriginal Peoples has usually been initiated outside
the Aboriginal community and carried out by non-Aboriginal personnel. Aboriginal
people have had almost no opportunity to correct misinformation or to challenge
ethnocentric and racist interpretations. Consequently, the existing body of research,
which normally provides a reference point for new research, must be open to
C. Knowledge that is transmitted orally in the cultures of Aboriginal Peoples must be
acknowledged as a valuable research resource along with documentary and other
sources. The means of validating knowledge in the particular traditions under study
should normally by applied to establish authenticity of orally transmitted knowledge.
D. In research portraying community life, the multiplicity of viewpoints present within
Tl'azt'en Communities should be represented fairly, including viewpoints specific to
age and gender groups.
E. Researchers have an obligation to understand and observe the protocol concerning
communications within any Tl'azt'en community.
F. Researchers have an obligation to observe ethical and professional practices relevant to
their respective disciplines.
3. Guidelines
Aboriginal knowledge
A. In all research sponsored and/or supported by the Chief and Council, researchers shall
conscientiously address themselves to the following questions:
B. Are there perspectives on the subject of inquiry that are distinctively Aboriginal?
C. What Aboriginal sources are appropriate to shed light on those perspectives?
D. Is proficiency in Dakelh required to explore these perspectives and sources?
E. Are there particular protocols or approaches required to access the relevant knowledge?
F. Does Aboriginal knowledge challenge in any way assumptions brought to the subject
from previous research?
G. How will Aboriginal knowledge or perspectives be portrayed in research products
and/or how will these be validated?
-1Approved by Tl'azt'en Nation Chief and Council Resolution - May 5, 1998