Amerindian Peoples Assiciation
Indigenous Peoples Organisation (IPO)- Established in
- Jan 1, 1991
- Logo
- Country
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brasil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Equador
- French Guyana
- Guyana
- Peru
- Surinam
- Relationship
- Description
The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) is a non-governmental Indigenous Peoples organization in Guyana.
Membership of the APA is made up of Units throughout the country, currently amounting to close to eighty such units. The Association is led by an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, eleven regional representatives, a women’s representative and a youth representative.
The APA has a central office in Georgetown which is staffed by persons from interior communities who carry out the daily functions of the organization and who provides the link between what is happening in the communities and what is happening at the national and international levels.
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1 relationships, 1 entities