Village Meetings called by the Alcalde. The Village Meeting is the fundamental decision making authority that is usually by consensus or majority decision. This process is called ‘se komonil’. When the Alcalde receives information or request he passes it on to the community members and they in turn tell the Alcalde what to do. The collective decision of the community is transmitted back to the external agency by the Alcalde. Decisions of the communities must be recorded in writing. At the Toledo Alcaldes Association, the General Assembly is the fundamental authority for decision making. The executive body carries the decision of the assembly. The individual Alcaldes register their vote on an issue based on the directive of the village meeting on a specific issue. R-PP Consultation There is a need to bring other Alcaldes in an assembly. The Alcaldes and Chairman are the recognized and respected leaders in the communities so they must be invited to participate. Other participants In an effort to ensure that the voices of the IPs are placed on the record for this initial consultation of the R-PP, the Association decided that the following persons and entities should be engaged:      The TAA Executive on behalf of the 38 Maya villages Members of the TAA on behalf of their respective villages Maya Leaders Alliance (MLA) as the on-going technical support team of the TAA. MLA/TAA Attorney – at any time at the request of the TAA. Village Council Chairpersons of indigenous villages only. Note. Other local NGOs, indigenous or otherwise are not necessary and will not be engaged to provide technical assistance during consultations with TAA.

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