Natural Justice
- Description
Natural Justice: Lawyers for Communities and the Environment is a young and fast-paced non-profit organisation specialising in environmental and human rights law in Africa – in pursuit of social and environmental justice.
As a team of pioneering lawyers and legal experts we offer direct support to communities impacted by the ever-increasing demand for land and resources, conduct comprehensive research on environmental and human rights laws and engage in key national and international processes.
- Fecha de entrada
- 27 de mar. de 2019
Amerindian Peoples Assiciation
- Logo
- Country
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brasil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Equador
- French Guyana
- Guyana
- Peru
- Surinam
- Description
The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) is a non-governmental Indigenous Peoples organization in Guyana.
Membership of the APA is made up of Units throughout the country, currently amounting to close to eighty such units. The Association is led by an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, eleven regional representatives, a women’s representative and a youth representative.
The APA has a central office in Georgetown which is staffed by persons from interior communities who carry out the daily functions of the organization and who provides the link between what is happening in the communities and what is happening at the national and international levels.
- Fecha de entrada
- 27 de mar. de 2019
Amerindian Peoples Association (APA)
- Logo
- Country
- Guyana
- Description
The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) is a non-governmental Indigenous Peoples organization in Guyana.
Membership of the APA is made up of Units throughout the country, currently amounting to close to eighty such units. The Association is led by an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, eleven regional representatives, a women’s representative and a youth representative.
The APA has a central office in Georgetown which is staffed by persons from interior communities who carry out the daily functions of the organization and who provides the link between what is happening in the communities and what is happening at the national and international levels.
- Fecha de entrada
- 27 de mar. de 2019
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
- Logo
- Country
- Canada
- Description
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (Inuktitut syllabics: ᐃᓄᐃᑦ ᑕᐱᕇᑦ ᑲᓇᑕᒥ, literally "Inuit United with Canada") is a nonprofit organization in Canada that represents over 60,000 Inuit. It was founded in 1971 by Tagak Curley as the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (or in English, Inuit Brotherhood) in Edmonton, Alberta. It has been headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario since 1972. It grew out of the Indian and Eskimo Association that was formed in the 1960s.
- Website
- Fecha de entrada
- 26 de mar. de 2019
Subanon people
- País
- Philippines
- Image
- Description
Subanon (also spelled Subanen or Subanun) is a tribe indigenous to the Zamboanga peninsula area, particularly living in the mountainous areas of Zamboanga del Sur and Misamis Occidental, Mindanao Island, Philippines. The Subanon people speak the Subanon language. The name means "a person or people of the river."[1] These people originally lived in the lowlying areas. However, due to disturbances and competitions from other settlers like the Muslims, and migrations of Cebuano speakers to the coastal areas attracted by the inviting Land Tenure Laws, further pushed the Subanen into the interior.[2][3]
Subanons generally refer to themselves as a whole as the gbansa Subanon, meaning “the Subanon nation”. They distinguish themselves from each other by their roots or point of origin. These are based on names of rivers, lakes, mountains, or locations. Wikipedia
- Fecha de entrada
- 20 de mar. de 2019
Constitutional Court
- Country
- Colombia
- Description
La Corte Constitucional de Colombia es la entidad judicial encargada de velar por la integridad y la supremacía de la Constitución. Fue creada por el Capítulo IV de la Constitución de Colombia de 1991 e instalada por primera vez el 17 de febrero de 1992 reemplazando a la anterior Sala Constitucional dependiente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
Inició con 7 miembros, elegidos de la forma señalada en el artículo 22 transitorio de la misma Constitución Política, y desempeñaron su función hasta el 28 de febrero de 1993. El primero de marzo de 1993 asumieron los nueve magistrados integrantes de la corporación de forma definitiva para un periodo de ocho años, como lo establece la Constitución en sus artículos permanentes.
En la actualidad, cuenta con nueve (9) magistrados, que son elegidos para periodos de ocho (8) años por el Senado, a partir de las ternas enviadas por el Presidente de la República, la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Consejo de Estado. Wikipedia
- Fecha de entrada
- 19 de mar. de 2019
Good faith
- Description
Good faith (Latin: bona fides), in human interactions, is a sincere intention to be fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the interaction. While some Latin phrases lose their literal meaning over centuries, this is not the case with bona fides; it is still widely used and interchangeable with its generally accepted modern-day English translation of good faith. It is an important concept within law and business. The opposed concepts are bad faith, mala fides (duplicity) and perfidy (pretense). In contemporary English, the usage of bona fides is synonymous with credentials and identity. The phrase is sometimes used in job advertisements, and should not be confused with the bona fide occupational qualifications or the employer's good faith effort, as described below. Read more
- Fecha de entrada
- 18 de mar. de 2019
Are concepts defined in the protocol? (e.g. integral territory, culture, knowledge, sacred sites…)
- Description
Are concepts defined in the protocol? (e.g. integral territory, culture, knowledge, sacred sites…)
- Fecha de entrada
- 18 de mar. de 2019
National or regional indigenous organizations addressed
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Rituals addressed
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Fixed timeframes
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Different processes envisaged for different types of projects/proposals
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Follow up meetings (for additional information)
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Internal meetings (actors involved, decision-making processes)
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Information meetings (content, where, with whom and partner participation)
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Meetings for development of specific consultation plan in accordance with the protocol
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Initial approach
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Involvement in strategic planning
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Rules in relation to recording and sharing of recordings
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Absence of armed presence in the meetings (police, security or intelligence)
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Actor who pays costs for participation
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Freedom to invite third parties, including trusted specialists
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Language of consultations and choice of translators
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Dates that coincide with community activities/calendar
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
What is done in the absence of consensus
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
The process of decision-making, discussion, consensus, voting.
- Fecha de entrada
- 13 de mar. de 2019
Deceased ancestors or spirits
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Local or traditional/subsistence/peasant communities
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation / initial contact
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Other indigenous communities or peoples
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
International oversight
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
NHRIs / Ombudsman
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Specific ministries
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Municipal government
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Reference to indigenous justice or ancestral justice
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
International or regional instruments/jurisprudence
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Does it address particular activities or is it all encompassing (projects, administrative or legislative measures etc and are these addressed separately?)
- Description
Does it address particular activities or is it all encompassing (projects, administrative or legislative measures etc and are these addressed separately?)
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Does it seek to define the entire consultation process
- Description
Does it seek to define the entire consultation process?
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Basis for right to decide and give or withhold consent
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Criteria in relation to timeframes and processes
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Good faith with elaboration of its implications
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Respect for land rights and indigenous governance
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Circumstances that render consultations or consent void (e.g. FPI: creation of division, presence of armed groups, offers of money, threats…)
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Rejection of development project as exchange for recognition of land rights
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Agreement to the protocol as basis for consultations
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Affirmation of the right to decide (language used, yes/no, veto and supporting rationale)
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Rejection certain types of activities / impacts that are critical
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Assertion of rights in relation to natural resources
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Formal recognition of indigenous’ rights and governance structures
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Community history
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Community governance statutes
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Community resolutions
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Territorial plans and boundaries
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Life plans (self-determined development)
- Fecha de entrada
- 10 de mar. de 2019
Process for updating the protocol
- Fecha de entrada
- 1 de mar. de 2019