Preamble Alderville First Nation (AFN), as a part of the Anishinabeg, have a long history in this region of Ontario, dating back centuries through the Anishinabeg migrations to the Great Lakes to the subsequent occupation of Southern Ontario at the beginning of the 18th century. Since The Great Peace of Montreal in 1701 to the present, AFN and its ancestors have been a party to events in Southern Ontario that have helped make the province what it is. With the ratification of the 1763 Royal Proclamation at Niagara in 1764, to the early treaties of the 1780s along the Lake Ontario frontier, and the Williams Treaties of 1923, AFN has evolved along with this history and today proudly resides on the territory it has known consistently as home for over 7 generations. AFN members are the caretakers of our Traditional Territory as described herein, and possess Aboriginal and Treaty rights over lands and resources within our Traditional Territory. Whereas AFN has asserted these rights against the Crown in a claim, which has not yet been settled or otherwise determined; Whereas section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 recognizes and affirms the existing Aboriginal and Treaty rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, and Canada is a signatory and adherent to the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; Whereas the Supreme Court of Canada has established that Aboriginal Peoples asserting Aboriginal and Treaty rights must be consulted prior to the occurrence of any decisions, conduct or activities that may have an impact on the rights and interests of Aboriginal Peoples; Whereas AFN is willing to engage in consultations, expects to be consulted, and if appropriate, to be accommodated with respect to any and all decisions, conduct and activities that have the potential to have an adverse effect on our Aboriginal and Treaty rights respecting lands and resources within the AFN Traditional Territory; Whereas the Crown and private sector parties seeking to carry on activities within AFN Traditional Territory may only do so in accordance with this Protocol and with the free, prior and informed consent of AFN; Whereas the Crown and/or private sector parties are expected to respect AFN’s obligation to honour and abide by our traditions and practices, and to respect the AFN community, the AFN Traditional Territory and future generations; The following constitutes the Protocol for AFN expected to be followed in letter and spirit for all negotiation, consultation and accommodation of AFN for any proposed Alderville First Nation Consultation Protocol — 3

Select target paragraph3