Land demarcation
Context, purpose and process of protocol creation & maintenance Territorial plans and boundaries
Community governance instruments, structures, territories, history Assertion of rights in relation to natural resources
A statement of principles
Involvement in strategic planning
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases A statement of principles
Negotiation in certain or all contexts
Municipal government
Interfaces with external institutions and organizations Respect for land rights and indigenous governance
Corporate actors addressed
Respect for land rights and indigenous governance
Formal recognition of indigenous’ rights and governance structures
Good faith with elaboration of its implications
Criteria in relation to timeframes and processes
A statement of principles
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Initial approach
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Initial approach
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Triggers for consultation
Role of representatives
Roles in decision-making process Fixed timeframes
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Meetings for development of specific consultation plan in accordance with the protocol
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Meetings for development of specific consultation plan in accordance with the protocol
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
Unique features that reflect the particular communities experience
Context, purpose and process of protocol creation & maintenance Broader strategy of governance assertion
Context, purpose and process of protocol creation & maintenance Life plans (self-determined development)
Community governance instruments, structures, territories, history Participation of outsiders
Roles in decision-making process Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
Reference to specific activities
Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
Role of General Assemblies and other structures
Roles in decision-making process Role of community members
Roles in decision-making process Role of community members
Roles in decision-making process Role of General Assemblies and other structures
Roles in decision-making process Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
Basis for right to decide and give or withhold consent
Affirmation of the right to decide (language used, yes/no, veto and supporting rationale)
Role of community members
Roles in decision-making process Role of General Assemblies and other structures
Roles in decision-making process Internal meetings (actors involved, decision-making processes)
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Information meetings (content, where, with whom and partner participation)
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases National laws/policies/jurisprudence
Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
When is a consultation invalid
Conditions invalidating consultations Implications of giving or withholding consent
Agreement oversight and enforcement mechanisms
Process for negotiation of consultation procedures
Seeks to define the entire consultation process
Implications of giving or withholding consent
When is a consultation invalid
Conditions invalidating consultations Conditions for agreements
Role of General Assemblies and other structures
Roles in decision-making process Role of community members
Roles in decision-making process Criteria in relation to indigenous knowledge
Role of indigenous knowledge
Conditions for consultation Participation of outsiders
Roles in decision-making process Actor who pays costs for participation
Conditions for consultation Actor who pays costs for participation
Conditions for consultation Respect for land rights and indigenous governance
National laws/policies/jurisprudence
Process for updating the protocol
Context, purpose and process of protocol creation & maintenance Concepts defined in the protocol
Concepts defined in the protocol
Land demarcation
Context, purpose and process of protocol creation & maintenance Territorial plans and boundaries
Community governance instruments, structures, territories, history Decisions as to who to involve
Conditions for consultation Who will coordinate the meetings
Conditions for consultation Reference to multiple consultation points
Rejection certain types of activities / impacts that are critical
Conditions for agreements
Involvement in strategic planning
Nature and sequencing of consultation phases Agreement oversight and enforcement mechanisms
Conditions for agreements
Broader strategy of governance assertion
Context, purpose and process of protocol creation & maintenance Agreement oversight and enforcement mechanisms