Ownership/Copyright A. Tl'azt'en Nation reserves the right to be the sole beneficiary of all commercial gains that may be attained through the dissemination of all research results and/or the marketing and sale of products that may be derived from research results. Community Benefit A. In setting research priorities and objectives for community-based research, the investigators shall give serious and due consideration to the benefit of Tl'azt'en communities. B. In assessing community benefit, regard shall be given to the widest possible range of community interests, whether groups in question be Tl'azt'en or non-Tl'azt'en, and also to the impact of research at the local, regional or national level. Wherever possible, conflicts between interests within the community should be identified and resolved in advance of commencing the project. Researchers should be equipped to draw on a range of problem-solving strategies to resolve such conflicts as may arise in the course of research. C. Whenever possible research should support the transfer of skills to individuals and increase the capacity of the community to manage its own research projects. Implementation of Guidelines A. These guidelines shall guide the activities of all individuals, groups, funding agencies, organizations, and communities conducting research sponsored and supported by Tl'azt'en Chief and Council. B. It shall be the responsibility, in the first instance, of all the researchers to observe these guidelines conscientiously. It shall be the responsibility, in ascending order, of investigators/researchers, Tl'azt'en Administration, and Tl'azt'en Chief and Council itself to monitor the implementation of the guidelines and to make decisions regarding their interpretation and application. C. Where, in the opinion of the researcher or the research manager, local circumstances make these guidelines or any part of them inapplicable, such exception shall be reported to Chief and Council through the appropriate Tl'azt'en administrative branch, and the exception shall be noted in the research contract or contract amendments as well as in any subsequent publication(s). Research Contract A. Once an agreement is developed between Tl'azt'en Nation and a particular group of researchers about the nature, duration and purpose of research activities, the researchers will be expected to state (in writing) their agreement to follow Tl'azt'en Nation guidelines. B. Depending on the nature and scope if the particular research activity, Tl'azt'en Nation and the researcher(s) may develop a detailed research contract which addresses the specifics of the particular research project at hand. -3Approved by Tl'azt'en Nation Chief and Council Resolution - May 5, 1998

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